The OER World Map

Enabling the exchange of data, experiences and ideas among open educational actors and communities.

What is the OER World Map?

The OER World Map is the place on the web where anyone involved in Open Education can share information, experiences and ideas related to their work.

Anyone can contribute to the information on the World Map and anyone can access the information on the World Map.

Our mission

Our mission

We aim to facilitate exchange of data, experiences and ideas between different people and Open Education communities.

We believe that Open Education has the potential to enhance education for all, to foster democratic participation, sustainable development and social justice. Helping others to open and transform education, its institutions, practices and resources is what gets us going every morning.

Get Involved

How can you get involved?

Share your own work as an open educator, researcher or policy maker.

Make your events more visible. Let others discover your project websites. Help influence decision-making processes by making a case for Open Education and its affordances.

Create an account and a profile in just a few short steps. Create your account
Profile Ricarda Profile publications Add event Event view Add project interface Project view

Create your account

Make your work visible: you can add a project, service, event or an institution as well as all other kinds of building blocks of Open Education to the World Map. Others will be able to look you up and learn from what you have been working on.

Find the work of other open educators: browse through others’ Open Education work to find networks and inspiration or search for a specific item in a certain geographic area, a research field, or an educational sector.

Get an overview of the Open Education landscape: find policies from other institutions or geographic areas, get in touch with their facilitators, and find arguments to support Open Education.

Icons from nounproject: rocket by Weltenraser, lightbulb by Maxim Kulikov, map by Christel Gordon - all icons openly available as CC BY 3.0 US.

More about the OER World Map

Team & Partners

The World Map is being built by hbz and graphthinking GmbH in association with The Open University (UK) funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

The core team is based in Cologne and Berlin, Germany. We collaborate with open educators across the world.

» Team


Read more about our vision, mission statement and project history: » About

What is our conception of Open Education and OER? Open Education and Open Educational Resources (OER) have been evolving over time and will continue to do so. There are numerous posts on our blog that should give an overview of the field.

» Our blog


Any questions? Want to get involved? Let’s stay in touch! Got feedback? A project idea? An idea for a guest post on our blog? We would love to hear from you. Send an email to, follow us on twitter or join one of our recurring Q+A online meetings. If you like, subscribe to our quarterly newsletter.

» Contact us

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